Deliciously Dairy Free: Try our Cheese Recipe Today!

Welcome to my recipe article on how to make delicious, healthy and easy-to-prepare dairy-free cheese! As a nutritionist and food blogger, I constantly remind my clients of the importance of consuming nutritious and clean food. Over the years, I have found that one of the easiest ways to achieve this is by using whole-food ingredients while avoiding processed foods. Dairy-free cheese is a great example of this philosophy.

If you’re lactose intolerant, vegan or simply looking for healthy alternatives, then dairy-free cheese is your solution. Not only does it contain high-quality protein and healthy fats, but it’s also free from gluten and dairy, making it a perfect choice for people with certain dietary restrictions.

Now more than ever before, people are becoming increasingly conscious of the foods they consume. This conscious way of eating has led many to explore vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free diets, all with an aim of promoting a healthier lifestyle. Fortunately, these diets no longer mean sacrificing tasty foods such as cheese.

This recipe is not only perfect for those who want a delicious piece of cheesy goodness without compromising their health, but also for those who want to try something new in the kitchen. So let’s put on our aprons and start cooking up some amazing dairy-free cheese!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Dairy Free Cheese
Dairy Free Cheese

If you’re looking for an easy and delicious way to make vegan cheese without sacrificing taste, this dairy-free cheese recipe is perfect for you! Whether you’re lactose intolerant, allergic to dairy or embracing a vegan lifestyle, this recipe is sure to please.

This recipe is loaded with flavor thanks to its key ingredient: nutritional yeast. Nutritional yeast gives this cheese sauce a nutty, cheesy flavor that will satisfy your cravings. The addition of fresh lemon juice adds a tangy kick while paprika adds a subtle smokiness that will keep you coming back for more.

Not only is this recipe incredibly tasty, but it’s also very versatile. You can use it as a dip for your favorite veggies, as a topping for nachos or as the perfect addition to your grilled cheese sandwich. This recipe is so easy to make in just 30 minutes and with just a few simple ingredients that are affordable and accessible.

Plus, this recipe is healthier than traditional cheese recipes that contain lots of unhealthy fats and cholesterol. Our recipe uses raw cashews and coconut milk which are both high in healthy fats that are good for the body. By using vegan and gluten-free ingredients, you can indulge in your favorite cheesy goodness without any guilt.

So why not give this dairy-free cheese recipe a try? You’ll love how easy it is to make and how delicious it tastes – plus, it’s good for you too!

Ingredient List

 Melty, gooey, and totally dairy-free.
Melty, gooey, and totally dairy-free.

Here are the ingredients you’ll need to make this delicious dairy-free cheese:

  • 2 cups raw cashews
  • 2 tbsp agar-agar
  • 1 1/2 cups water, divided
  • 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 3 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk (full-fat)
  • 2 cloves peeled and diced garlic or 2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp paprika

Note: if you have a tree nut allergy, substitute the raw cashews with blanched almonds.

This recipe uses agar-agar which is a 100% natural plant-based gelatin substitute. It is perfect for creating vegan cheese that is aged, shredded, cultured, melting and shredding. Nutritional yeast is another key ingredient which gives the cheesy flavor in vegan cheese. It’s high in vitamin B12, adding nutritional value to the cheese. Fresh lemon juice and coconut milk add a tangy and creamy taste to the cheese while garlic and paprika add more depth of flavor.

The Recipe How-To

 Get ready to satisfy all your cheesy cravings.
Get ready to satisfy all your cheesy cravings.

Let’s dive into the recipe itself! Here’s how to make this delicious dairy-free cheese:


  • 2 cups of raw cashews
  • 1 1/2 cups of water
  • 4 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup of nutritional yeast
  • 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon of paprika
  • 2 cloves of peeled and diced garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of agar agar powder (or flakes)


  1. Firstly, rinse the cashews in hot water to soften them. Leave them in hot water for at least an hour.
  2. After that, drain the cashews and put them into a food processor.
  3. Add the water and nutritional yeast to the processor and blend everything together until it becomes a smooth puree.
  4. Transfer the puree to a pot and place over medium heat.
  5. Add the garlic powder, paprika, lemon juice, and agar agar powder or flakes.
  6. Stir continuously with a whisk until everything has melted and combined completely.
  7. Pour this mixture into a lightly greased cheese mold or container and let it cool.
  8. Leave it in your fridge overnight or up to two days until set.


  • When using agar agar, always remember to whisk it constantly over medium heat until it dissolves completely to avoid clumps in your cheese mixture.
  • Before pouring the mixture into the mold for setting, taste the mixture to ensure that you like the seasoning levels. If necessary, adjust according to your preference before chilling it in your fridge.
  • Try experimenting with different spices and herbs like thyme, rosemary or new variations like smoked paprika, caramelized onions or chili flakes.

Now you have your very own homemade vegan cheese! It’s perfect to use on a grilled cheese sandwich, in a vegan mac and cheese recipe, or even on top of pizza. Enjoy!

Substitutions and Variations

 Who says you need dairy to make cheese?
Who says you need dairy to make cheese?

If you want to get creative and experiment with variations, this recipe is a great starting point. Here are some substitutions and variations that you can use to make your cheese recipe even more delicious.

– Nutritional Yeast: If you cannot find nutritional yeast, you can substitute with vegan parmesan cheese or vegan cheese seasoning.

– Raw Cashews: Other nuts like almonds, peanuts or sunflower seeds can be used instead of cashews.

– Agar-Agar: Kappa carrageenan, gelatin, pectin, or iota can be used as substitutes for agar-agar.

– Coconut Milk: Soy milk, almond milk or other non-dairy milk can replace coconut milk in this recipe.

– Cheese Types: You can use this recipe as a base to make different types of cheese like mozzarella, cheddar or parmesan. Use the same basic ingredients and adjust the seasonings to create a variety of flavors.

– Meltable Cheese: For pizzas or grilled cheese sandwiches, use tapioca starch instead of agar-agar to create a meltable texture.

– Nut-Free Cheese: Replace raw cashews with pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds for a nut-free cheese recipe.

– Aged/Fermented Cheese: Whip up the basic cheese recipe and culture it for 24 hours using dairy-free probiotics. You’ll enjoy an aged, fermented twist when you are looking for something unique.

– Shreddable Cheese: Add some extra tapioca starch into the mix to create shredded cheese.

– Cauliflower Cheese Sauce: Combine cooked cauliflower with the cheese sauce ingredients to add more vegetables and make it healthier.

It’s great to experiment with this recipe since there are so many different options available. Whether you’re trying to avoid allergens or simply exploring new flavors, these substitutions and variations will help create new creations from an already amazing dish.

Serving and Pairing

 Dairy-free never tasted so good.
Dairy-free never tasted so good.

Once you’ve prepared your delicious dairy-free cheese, the next step is to determine the perfect way to serve it. This vegan cheese recipe is so versatile that you can enjoy it in many ways.

One of the best things about this recipe is that you can add it to any dish, just like regular cheese. You can cut it into cubes and serve as a cheeseboard with some fruit and nuts. You can also add it to a salad or use it as a dip for chips or veggies.

Another great way to use this vegan cheese sauce is as a vegan pizza topping. Just spread your favorite tomato sauce on top of your pizza dough and sprinkle grated cheese on top before baking. You can also use this plant-based mozzarella for sandwiches or grilled cheese.

This vegan cheese recipe pairs well with various food items and beverages, such as carrots, cauliflower, crackers or bread. You can also pair it with some vegan wine or beer.

To get the most out of your dairy-free cheese, try experimenting with its flavor by adding other seasonings like paprika or garlic powder. You’ll find that this dairy-free and gluten-free recipe complements so many different flavors in unexpected ways.

Overall, serving and pairing dairy-free cheeses require creativity and imagination. So get creative with how you present and enjoy your homemade vegan cheese recipes!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Cheese, but make it vegan and flavorful.
Cheese, but make it vegan and flavorful.

Are you planning a get-together or looking for a quick snack on the go? This dairy-free cheese recipe is easy to make and perfect for prepping ahead of time, allowing you to enjoy great flavor without sacrificing convenience.

To make ahead, simply follow the recipe instructions and store in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for up to five days. You can also freeze your vegan cheese for up to two months. To thaw, simply leave it in the refrigerator overnight or let it sit at room temperature for an hour before using.

When reheating your vegan cheese, be sure to do so gradually over low heat, stirring constantly until smooth and creamy. This will prevent the mixture from breaking or separating.

Whether you intend to use this cheese sauce as a dip for veggies or as an ingredient in a pizza topping or grilled cheese sandwich, storing and reheating this dairy-free option has never been easier. Share with friends and family knowing that your guests won’t even notice it’s missing dairy – it’s that good!

Tips for Perfect Results

 Say cheese! And don't feel guilty about it.
Say cheese! And don’t feel guilty about it.

Now that you have all the ingredients and instructions to make your dairy-free cheese, here are some tips to ensure a perfect outcome.

1. Soak the raw cashews overnight or for at least 4 hours before blending them. This will make them softer and easier to blend, resulting in a smoother cheese texture.

2. When using agar-agar flakes or powder, be sure to dissolve it completely in water before adding it to the blender. This will help the cheese set properly.

3. Experiment with different flavors by adding herbs or spices such as garlic powder, paprika, or thyme to the cheese mixture.

4. To achieve a tangy flavor reminiscent of traditional cheese, use fresh lemon juice and nutritional yeast.

5. If you prefer a firmer cheese, add more agar-agar to the mixture. On the other hand, if you want a softer cheese, use less agar-agar.

6. Use a high-speed blender or food processor to achieve a smooth consistency. A regular blender may not be powerful enough to fully blend the cashews and create the desired texture.

7. Allow time for the cheese to set in the refrigerator before slicing or shredding it. This will help it hold its shape when used in recipes such as grilled cheese sandwiches or pizza toppings.

8. When melting the cheese in recipes, keep in mind that it may not melt as easily or evenly as dairy-based cheeses. Try grating it finely or using smaller pieces to encourage even melting.

By following these tips, you can make delicious and versatile dairy-free cheeses at home that are perfect for snacking, cooking, and entertaining guests on a cheeseboard.


As a nutritionist and food blogger, I understand that every individual has specific dietary requirements and preferences. Therefore, to help you navigate any questions or concerns you may have about this dairy-free cheese recipe, I have compiled some frequently asked questions and provided detailed answers. Whether you are wondering about substitutions, storage, or dietary restrictions, this FAQ section has got you covered. So, without further ado, let us dive into the section!

What do they put in dairy-free cheese?

Plant-based cheeses are commonly crafted from ingredients like soy, cashews, macadamias, coconut oil, as well as agar, tapioca, peas, and arrowroot.

How is dairy-free cheese made?

Creating vegan cheese involves fermenting nut milk or puree with bacteria commonly used in dairy cheese production, then aging and mixing it with seasonings for a flavorful result, as highlighted by NPR.

Can cheese be made without dairy?

With the growing popularity of veganism and dairy-free diets, the market for vegan cheese has expanded significantly. Nowadays, there is a variety of non-dairy cheese options made from different plant-based sources such as nuts, soy, seeds and root vegetables. These cheeses are available in diverse styles and flavors that are comparable to their dairy counterparts.

What is the best non dairy alternative for cheese?

Here are some options for dairy-free cheese and cheese-like products that you might want to try: Sharp Cheddar Shreds from Parmela Creamery, Spicy Queso Blanco Style Dip from Good Foods, French-Style Cheese from Treeline, Better Than Cream Cheese from Tofutti, Cheddar-Style Shreds from Daiya, Vegan Mac from Annie’s, and Mozzarella-Style Shreds from So Delicious.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this homemade dairy-free cheese recipe is a game-changer for those who are looking for healthy and delicious alternatives to traditional cheese. Its versatile flavor and texture make it perfect for use in many recipes – from grilled cheese to pizza toppings to the ultimate cheeseboard.

By using ingredients like raw cashews, fresh lemon juice, and nutritional yeast, you can easily make vegan cheese that is full of high protein and melts effortlessly. And with additional variations like aged or cultured options, you’ll always have something new to try.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different flavors and substitutions to make this recipe your own. Whether you’re trying to avoid dairy, gluten or nuts, there are plenty of options that will work for you!

So why not give this homemade dairy-free cheese recipe a try? You won’t be disappointed with the delicious taste, versatility, and nutritional benefits that come with it. Trust me; your taste buds will thank you!

Dairy Free Cheese

Dairy Free Cheese Recipe

From the cookbook Whole Foods about the whole food diet. Note due to the Cashews I have not made this. The wife isn't allowed the fat and I know of no sub for them at this time.
No ratings yet
Cook Time 12 hrs
Course Side Dish
Cuisine Vegan
Servings 3 cups
Calories 172.8 kcal


  • 1 1/2 cups water, room temp
  • 3 tablespoons agar-agar
  • 1 teaspoon agar-agar
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 2 cups raw cashews
  • 3 tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • 2 teaspoons granulated onion
  • 1/4 teaspoon granulated garlic
  • 2 -3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons paprika
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt


  • Combine the agar agar with the 1 1/2 cups water at room temperature Bring this to a boil and simmer for 2 minutes then add the other water.
  • Now pour into a blender and add the cashews and remaining ingredients. Blend until creamy.
  • Pour into a bread pan, cover and refrigerate overnight.
  • You may freeze after it firms up.
  • Note: I don't think this will melt but I could be wrong. The authors say it reminds them of the American Cheese Food and works on sandwiches or you can shred for pizza.
  • Servings depend on use and taste.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 63gCalories: 172.8kcalCarbohydrates: 11.3gProtein: 5.8gFat: 13.1gSaturated Fat: 2.6gSodium: 357.4mgFiber: 2gSugar: 1.5g
Keyword Dairy Free, Vegan
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