Mouthwatering Vegetable Quiche Recipe for a Perfect Brunch

My dear food aficionados, I am here to share with you a delicious and healthy recipe that will tantalize your taste buds and nourish your body. Today, I present to you a crustless vegetable quiche, which is gluten-free and dairy-free. This recipe is perfect for those who are health-conscious or have dietary restrictions.

Imagine biting into a savory quiche with fresh sautéed spinach, caramelized onions, and juicy mushrooms all enveloped in a fluffy egg base. The aroma of the vegetables merging with the egg mixture is enough to make your mouth water. The crustless aspect of this quiche makes it lighter and easier to digest, making it an excellent option for breakfast, brunch, or even lunch.

Furthermore, this vegetable quiche recipe embraces the principle of clean eating. It is made with unprocessed and wholesome ingredients that are packed with nutrition. The fresh spinach provides iron, folate, vitamin C and K; mushrooms give earthy flavor along with protein, vitamin D and antioxidants; onions add prebiotic fiber that helps gut health; while eggs provide high-quality protein and healthy fats.

Therefore, if you are looking for a scrumptious and nutrient-dense dish that is both gluten-free and dairy-free while being easy to make – then this vegetable quiche should be on top of your list! So let’s dive right in to see how we can prepare this delightful dish effortlessly.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Crustless Vegetable Quiche (Gluten Free)
Crustless Vegetable Quiche (Gluten Free)

In a world where we have little control over most things, deciding what to put into our bodies gives us a sense of power. A good quiche is always an easy choice because it can be so versatile with its ingredients. That’s why I believe that you’ll truly love this Crustless Vegetable Quiche recipe, and here’s why:

Firstly, this recipe is gluten-free, meaning that it can accommodate individuals who have celiac disease, gluten intolerance or are following a gluten-free diet due to personal beliefs. But you may be thinking, doesn’t that mean sacrificing taste and texture? Not at all! This recipe features self-raising flour as a perfect alternative that adds fluffiness without the unwanted wheat protein.

Secondly, we’ve substituted the traditional crust with organic vegetables like fresh spinach and mushrooms, giving more room for flavor experimentation without added calories or guilt. The combination of eggs, non-dairy milk substitute and these fresh veggies creates a savory and healthy meal suitable for any time of the day. You can even switch it up by using frozen spinach instead!

Lastly, this quiche is low in carbs and high in protein. It’s the perfect dish to fuel your body and give you lasting energy throughout the day. Plus, it’s quick and easy to prepare and is perfect when paired with a salad or some fresh fruit.

Trust me when I say that this Crustless Vegetable Quiche will become a go-to meal in your recipe arsenal – one that won’t just satisfy your hunger, but also meets all your dietary preferences!

Ingredient List

 A slice of heaven in every bite! 🍴
A slice of heaven in every bite! 🍴

Here’s a list of ingredients you’ll need to make this delicious Crustless Vegetable Quiche. Don’t worry if you don’t have all the ingredients listed, substitutions can be made according to your preference and dietary requirements.

Ingredients 1

  • 8 eggs, beaten
  • 1 cup of non-dairy milk substitute, such as almond, soy or coconut milk
  • 2 cups of fresh spinach, chopped
  • 2 small onions, sliced thin
  • 1 bell pepper, sliced thin
  • 7 ounces of mushrooms (about 3-4 cups), sliced thin
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • ½ tsp salt

Ingredients 2

  • 1 ½ cups of self-raising gluten-free flour
  • 4 eggs
  • ½ cup of non-dairy milk substitute, such as almond, soy or coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp of avocado oil
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 3 cups of frozen or fresh spinach
  • 1 cup of other vegetables such as broccoli, bell peppers, zucchini (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon of butter
  • 2 teaspoon of salt (for taste)

This ingredient list allows for a lot of customization, feel free to mix and match between the two lists to create your own unique Veggie Quiche.

The Recipe How-To

 Breakfast just got a whole lot tastier with this veggie quiche! 🌞
Breakfast just got a whole lot tastier with this veggie quiche! 🌞

Now that you have all the ingredients ready, it’s time to jump into the fun part of the recipe – the cooking! Here is an easy-to-follow step-by-step guide on how to make this crustless vegetable quiche:

Step 1: Preheat Oven

Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C). While the oven is preheating, proceed with preparing the other parts of the recipe.

Step 2: Saute Vegetables

In a skillet over medium heat, heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Once hot, add in 1 small onion and saute until translucent. Afterward, add in 7 ounces of sliced mushrooms and continue to cook for another 3-4 minutes or until they’re softened. Finally, add in 4 cups of fresh spinach, cooking until just wilted.

Step 3: Mix All Ingredients

In a mixing bowl, whisk together 8 eggs, 1 cup of non-dairy milk substitute, and ½ tsp of salt. Then stir in the sautéed vegetables from step 2.

Step 4: Pour Mixture to Baking Dish

Lightly grease a round baking dish (approximately 10 inches) with some avocado oil or butter. Then pour the egg mixture into the dish.

Step 5: Bake

Bake for approximately 40-45 minutes or until the quiche has set and its edges have turned golden brown. To check if it’s cooked through, insert a toothpick in the center; it should come out clean.

Step 6: Serve

Remove from oven and let it cool for at least 10 minutes before slicing and serving. This delicious crustless vegetable quiche is best served warm! Enjoy it as a delightful breakfast or brunch option, or even with your dinner tonight.

Now that I have walked you through the recipe instructions, it’s time to put your apron on and make some deliciousness happen.

Substitutions and Variations

 A rainbow of colorful veggies coming together to create a delicious and healthy meal 🌈
A rainbow of colorful veggies coming together to create a delicious and healthy meal 🌈

Are you looking to switch things up with this crustless vegetable quiche recipe? There are countless substitutions and variations that you can try out to cater to your specific tastes and dietary requirements. Let me give you a few ideas:

– Non-dairy milk substitute: If you’re lactose intolerant or vegan, try substituting cow’s milk for almond milk, soy milk or oat milk. These options still provide the same creamy texture without any of the dairy.

– Different veggies: Don’t want spinach in your quiche? Experiment with other vegetables such as bell peppers, asparagus, mushrooms or zucchinis. The possibilities are endless and the result will be just as delicious.

– Low carb: Trying to cut back on carbs? Opt for broccoli instead of spinach in this crustless broccoli quiche recipe.

– Gluten-free flour: Swap self-raising flour for gluten-free flour to make the quiche completely gluten-free.

– Mini quiche: Want individual servings for a brunch party? Make mini versions of this quiche in a muffin tin for easy serving.

– Quiche Lorraine: This French-inspired classic swaps the vegetables for bacon and cheese. Perfect for a decadent breakfast treat.

– Garden vegetable: Use whatever vegetables are in season and fresh from your garden or farmer’s market. This variation is perfect for showcasing the best of summer produce!

These are just some ideas to get you started, but feel free to experiment and make it your own. The best part about cooking is that you have complete creative control!

Serving and Pairing

 This quiche is so good, you won't even miss the crust! 🙌🏼
This quiche is so good, you won’t even miss the crust! 🙌🏼

The crustless vegetable quiche is a perfect dish to make for brunch, lunch or even as a light dinner. It is packed with veggies that will leave your taste buds tingling and your tummy full.

This quiche pairs beautifully with a fresh salad made from mixed greens and dressed with a balsamic vinaigrette. You can add some cherry tomatoes, sliced radishes, and diced bell peppers to the salad for a pop of color and extra nutrients.

For those who enjoy spicier flavors, you can serve the quiche with a side of salsa or hot sauce. The contrast between the mild quiche and the piquant dipping sauce will add an exciting dimension to the meal.

This gluten-free crustless quiche also goes well with some freshly squeezed orange juice or grapefruit juice. The citrus flavors complement the delicate vegetable flavors of the quiche and provide a refreshing balance to the dish.

Alternatively, you can pair this dish with a crisp white wine, such as Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Gris. The acidity of the wine lifts up the flavors of vegetables and eggs perfectly. This makes it an ideal choice if you’re looking for an easy gluten-free dairy-free dish that can be both effortlessly healthy and delicious!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Loaded with fresh, tasty veggies that pack a nutritious punch! 🥦
Loaded with fresh, tasty veggies that pack a nutritious punch! 🥦

The beauty of this Crustless Vegetable Quiche recipe is that it can be made ahead of time, making it perfect for those busy mornings where time is of the essence. Simply prepare the mixture, pour it into your baking dish, cover tightly with plastic wrap or foil, and refrigerate for up to 24 hours before baking.

When it comes to storing leftover quiche, make sure to let it cool completely before storing in an airtight container in the fridge. The quiche will keep well for up to three days.

When it’s time to reheat, simply remove from the fridge and microwave individual portions for 30-45 seconds, or until heated through. Alternatively, you could reheat in the oven at 350°F for 10-15 minutes.

One thing to keep in mind when reheating is that the texture of the quiche may change slightly. It may become a bit softer than when first baked because of its moist ingredients. However, the taste and flavor will still be just as delicious as when it was first prepared.

So go ahead and prepare this crustless vegetable quiche ahead of time – you’ll thank yourself later on those busy mornings!

Tips for Perfect Results

 One bite and you'll be hooked on this scrumptious, gluten-free dish 😍
One bite and you’ll be hooked on this scrumptious, gluten-free dish 😍

For a mouthwatering and healthy treat, there is nothing better than a crustless vegetable quiche. It’s the perfect dish for those who want to enjoy a gluten-free and dairy-free meal that tastes deliciously satisfying. However, making a great quiche can be tricky. That’s why I’ve compiled some simple tips that will help you get perfect results every time you make this recipe.

First of all, ensure that all the ingredients are at room temperature before you start cooking. This will help them mix together evenly, ensuring a smooth texture without lumps. Also, make sure you use fresh ingredients as much as possible. The fresher your veggies, the more flavor they’ll add to your quiche.

When making a crustless quiche, it’s essential to use the right amount of liquid. Too much liquid can make the eggs grainy and watery, while too little can lead to dry and rubbery eggs. For every eight eggs used in this recipe, one cup of non-dairy milk substitute is required. You can choose from soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, or rice milk. Just make sure it’s unsweetened and unflavored.

If your quiche looks like it’s not cooked enough after the suggested bake time has elapsed, don’t panic! You can simply cover it with aluminum foil and pop it back in the oven for an extra five to ten minutes until it has set completely but still feels slightly firm when touched.

Another major tip is to let your quiche cool before serving: this allows the texture to settle down and come together fully. A little bit of patience can go a long way in achieving that perfect result – so don’t rush things!

Finally, feel free to experiment with different vegetables – after all, that’s what makes this recipe so awesome! Try using broccoli or zucchini instead of spinach or mushrooms for added nutrition and flavor variation.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to create a crustless vegetable quiche that’s perfect every time. Enjoy!


As a nutritionist cum food blogger, I have anticipated some of the questions that you might have as regards this recipe. Hence, in this section of the article, I will be answering some frequently asked questions about crustless vegetable quiche with gluten-free and dairy-free ingredients. These answers are based on my experience in making this dish countless times and from feedback received from my readers who have tried this recipe. So, let’s dive into it.

Should vegetables be cooked before putting in quiche?

Prioritize cooking the vegetables before incorporating them into your egg-based dish. According to Kristin Beringson, the executive chef at Henley in Nashville, vegetables usually require a longer cooking time than the egg custard. Hence, it is imperative to sauté onions, steam broccoli or other veggies before adding them to your egg mix to guarantee uniformly cooked quiche that is delicious in every bite.

Does crustless quiche contain gluten?

This recipe is a great choice when you’re short on time and need to whip up a tasty meal. It’s a gluten-free version of the classic Quiche Lorraine, which uses a crustless style to make preparation even easier. Full of flavorful ingredients like bacon, onions, Swiss cheese, and Parmesan, it’s sure to be a hit with anyone who tries it.

What is the difference between crustless quiche and frittata?

When it comes to comparing a frittata and a quiche, the absence of crust is just the beginning. Unlike a quiche, a frittata is first cooked on a stovetop and then completed in an oven. Additionally, the egg to dairy ratio is typically reduced in a frittata which gives it a closer resemblance to an exposed omelet rather than a baked good.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this crustless vegetable quiche recipe is not only delicious but also accommodates dietary restrictions. It is an easy and healthy gluten-free and dairy-free recipe that is perfect for breakfast, brunch, or dinner. With this recipe, you can impress your guests and feel great about what you are serving them.

This crustless vegetable quiche is versatile, and you can substitute or add different veggies to suit your liking. The recipe is also easy to make ahead of time and reheats well, making it a convenient option for meal prep. Plus, it’s a great way to incorporate fresh spinach into your diet in a tasty way.

This recipe can be tailored to fit different dietary needs and preferences, including vegetarian and low-carb diets. So whether you are hosting guests or just need a quick meal idea, this crustless vegetable quiche should be on your list.

Overall, this dish is a fantastic addition to any mealtime rotation. The gluten-free and dairy-free ingredients make it accessible for those with allergies or dietary restrictions while the fresh spinach and variety of veggies provide excellent nutrients that keep you feeling great. Give it a try today—you won’t regret it!

Crustless Vegetable Quiche (Gluten Free)

Crustless Vegetable Quiche (Gluten Free) Recipe

I absolutely love quiche. But not for breakfast, I like it for dinner. Loaded with veggies and goat cheese. I've been known to change the vegetables using zuchinni and yellow squash, it's pretty versatile. This quiche is crustless and it's good that way. Of course, you could bake it in a crust if crust is a must for you. I use a pirex pie plate to bake mine in. I slice the peppers into thin strips and then cut in half. This recipe is a variation of a recipe I found on Gluten Free Goddess.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 15 mins
Cook Time 30 mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine Gluten-free
Servings 1 8 inch quiche
Calories 323.6 kcal


  • 1 bunch fresh spinach, cut into small pieces
  • 1 cup sliced mushrooms
  • 1 yellow pepper, sliced
  • 1 red pepper, sliced
  • 8 ounces goat cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 non-dairy milk substitute (I use hemp milk for this recipe)


  • In a bowl, toss vegetables until mixed pretty good. Put vegetables into the pie plate.
  • In a separate bowl, mix eggs with milk. Pour egg/milk mixture over the vegetables. Shake it a bit to get the egg mix to the bottom of the plate.
  • Crumble up the goat cheese and mix into the quiche.
  • Top quiche with leftover goat cheese crumbles.
  • Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes or until edges are golden brown.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 190gCalories: 323.6kcalCarbohydrates: 10.2gProtein: 22.3gFat: 22.5gSaturated Fat: 13.3gCholesterol: 256.3mgSodium: 431.6mgFiber: 3.1gSugar: 3.7g
Keyword < 60 Mins, Easy, Free Of..., Savory Pies
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