How to Make Mouth-Watering Flour Tortillas Without Gluten?

Friends, gather round and lend me your ears, for I have a recipe that I am sure you’ll want to hear. Are you tired of the same old wheat flour tortillas? Do you feel limited in what you can eat because of gluten intolerance or a desire for a healthier diet? Fear not, for I have just the solution for you.

Let me introduce you to my gluten-free flour tortillas recipe. That’s right, you heard me correctly – tortillas made without a trace of gluten. These aren’t your average corn tortillas either. These are soft, flexible, and simply delicious thanks to the perfect blend of gluten-free flours and just five other pantry staple ingredients.

Now, some may say gluten-free foods lack flavor or texture or simply don’t compare to their gluten-filled counterparts. But let me tell you, that is not the case with these tortillas. They are so good that even those who can eat gluten won’t be able to tell the difference.

So, whether you’re looking for an allergy-friendly option, switching to a gluten-free diet, or just looking for something new and tasty, this recipe has got you covered. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started on making these mouth-watering gluten-free flour tortillas!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Gluten Free Flour Tortillas (Using A/P Gf Flour)
Gluten Free Flour Tortillas (Using A/P Gf Flour)

Folks, let me tell you about a recipe that will change your life – and your kitchen! This gluten-free flour tortilla recipe is a true gem, and once you try it, you won’t regret it.

First of all, who doesn’t love a good tortilla? It’s a staple food, a versatile ingredient that can be paired with absolutely anything. But for those who need to stick to a gluten-free diet, finding soft and flexible tortillas can be a challenge. That’s where this recipe comes in – it’s the solution you’ve been looking for!

These tortillas are not only gluten-free but also dairy-free and vegan-friendly. That’s right, no need to compromise on taste or texture just because of dietary restrictions. And because they’re homemade, you’ll know what goes into them – no mystery ingredients that could trigger an allergic reaction.

But the best part? They’re easy to make! With only 5 ingredients required, you can whip up a batch of these in no time – perfect for busy weeknights, meal prep, or any time you’re craving some delicious tortillas.

So why wait? Add this recipe to your repertoire and enjoy soft and flexible gluten-free flour tortillas any time you want. Trust me; your taste buds will thank you!

Ingredient List

 Tasty gluten-free tortillas fresh from the skillet!
Tasty gluten-free tortillas fresh from the skillet!

Here are the 5 essential ingredients you’ll need for this gluten-free flour tortilla recipe:

  • Gluten-Free Flour Blend – 3 cups
  • Xanthan Gum – 1 teaspoon
  • Baking Powder – 1 tablespoon
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon
  • Shortening (or other solid fat) – 1/2 cup

In case your gluten-free flour blend doesn’t contain xanthan gum, then add it in separately. The flour blend can be found at any supermarket or health food store but if you prefer, it’s easy to make your own using rice flour or cassava flour.

The Recipe How-To

 These tortillas are ready to roll!
These tortillas are ready to roll!

Now that we have gathered all the ingredients, let’s move on to the recipe how-to.


  1. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together 3 cups of gluten-free flour blend, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 1 tablespoon of baking powder until well combined.
  2. Add ½ cup of shortening to the flour mixture and use your hands to rub it in until it forms pea-sized crumbles.
  3. Next, add 1 to 1.5 cups of warm water to the mixture, a little at a time, while stirring continuously.
  4. Knead the dough with your hands for a few minutes until it forms a smooth but slightly sticky ball.
  5. Take small pieces of the dough (about 2 tablespoons) and roll them into a ball with your palms.
  6. Flatten each ball into a disc shape with your hand or using a tortilla press lined with plastic wrap.
  7. Heat a skillet or griddle over medium-high heat and place the flattened dough onto the skillet.
  8. Cook each side for 30-45 seconds or until brown spots appear on both sides.
  9. Repeat Step 6 through Step 8 for the remaining dough balls.

Voila! Your freshly made gluten-free flour tortillas are ready to serve.

Note: If you are unable to find gluten-free flour blend in your local grocery store, you can make your own by mixing 1 cup of rice flour, 1 cup of sweet potato flour or cassava flour, and 1 cup of cornstarch or potato starch along with 1 teaspoon of xanthan gum.

Substitutions and Variations

 Homemade gluten-free tortillas: you won't believe how easy they are!
Homemade gluten-free tortillas: you won’t believe how easy they are!

Now, let’s talk about substitutions and variations for this Gluten Free Flour Tortillas recipe. One of the great things about this recipe is that it’s incredibly versatile and you can make a few adjustments to fit your dietary needs or flavor preferences.

First off, let’s talk about the flour blend. If you don’t have a pre-made gluten-free flour blend, don’t worry! You can make your own by combining equal parts of rice flour, potato starch, and tapioca starch. Another option is to use cassava flour or sweet potato flour as a replacement for the gluten-free flour blend.

If you’re not dairy-free or vegan, you can substitute the shortening for butter or lard. Just keep in mind that the texture and flavor of your tortillas may be slightly different. Alternatively, if you’re vegan, you can use coconut oil instead of shortening.

For those who are watching their sodium intake, reduce the amount of salt used in this recipe. By adding less salt, you’ll still get that delicious flavor but without the extra sodium.

In addition, some people prefer to use corn tortillas instead of flour tortillas. You can easily turn this recipe into a corn tortilla recipe by swapping out the gluten-free flour blend with masa harina (corn flour). The proportions might vary slightly, so be sure to do some research before attempting.

Lastly, for an added kick of flavor, try adding some spices into your dough ball before rolling it out. Some popular options include cumin, chili powder or even garlic powder.

Remember to experiment with different substitutions and flavors until you find what works best for you. Happy cooking!

Serving and Pairing

 Perfect for tacos, burritos, or quesadillas!
Perfect for tacos, burritos, or quesadillas!

Now that you have mastered the art of creating gluten-free flour tortillas, it’s time to think about how you can best serve them. These tortillas are perfect for a wide range of dishes and can be paired with just about anything.

One of the most popular ways to enjoy flour tortillas is by making some tacos with your favorite filling. You can go traditional or go wild with new and unique combinations, such as grilled veggies, black beans, spinach, and avocado, all wrapped in a soft and warm gluten-free tortilla.

If you prefer something that is quick and easy, then fill one up with scrambled eggs for breakfast or lunch. You can also make a burrito with some rice, beans, salsa, and cheese.

Flour tortillas are very versatile and can be used as wraps for sandwiches. Make a healthy vegetable wrap filled with spinach leaves, cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots, and hummus or any spread of your choice.

For something more indulgent like a quesadilla or a chimichanga (deep-fried burrito), these gluten-free tortillas would work perfectly as well. The possibilities are endless!

As for pairings, consider serving your flour tortillas with homemade guacamole, salsa or sour cream dip on the side. Some chips or fries also make for great accompaniments.

Remember that these gluten-free flour tortillas are soft and flexible when made fresh off the stove. So be sure to serve them immediately to avoid them from becoming stiff and difficult to wrap around your food.

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Are you ready to make the best gluten-free tortillas ever?
Are you ready to make the best gluten-free tortillas ever?

Now that you’ve made these delicious gluten-free flour tortillas, you may be wondering how to store and reheat them. Luckily, with a little bit of planning, you can enjoy your homemade tortillas all week long!

If you plan on using the tortillas within a day or two, you can store them in an airtight container at room temperature. If you live in a particularly humid environment, storing them in the refrigerator is a good idea. Be sure to separate each tortilla with wax paper or parchment paper to prevent them from sticking together.

If you want to keep your tortillas for longer, they freeze extremely well! Simply stack the tortillas and wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Then place them in an airtight container or freezer bag and freeze for up to three months.

When it’s time to reheat your tortillas, there are a few methods you can use. The first is to wrap the stack of tortillas in damp paper towels and microwave for 10-15 seconds until warm and pliable. This method works well if you only need a few tortillas at a time.

Alternatively, if you have access to a stovetop or grill, you can heat the tortillas directly over medium heat for about 30 seconds on each side until warm and slightly charred. This method produces the best flavor and texture.

With these tips for storing and reheating your gluten-free flour tortillas, you can enjoy them any day of the week without sacrificing on quality or taste!

Tips for Perfect Results

 Say goodbye to store-bought tortillas when you try these!
Say goodbye to store-bought tortillas when you try these!

When it comes to making flour tortillas, whether gluten-free or not, there are some tips that can help you achieve the perfect result. Here are some of my top tips that I have learned throughout the years of testing and making different versions of this recipe.

1. Use warm water

Always start with warm water when making the dough for your gluten-free flour tortillas. This will help activate the xanthan gum and baking powder, which are essential for helping the dough to rise and be pliable.

2. Mix ingredients in a large mixing bowl

Mix all of your ingredients in a large mixing bowl so that you have enough room to knead the dough. This will also ensure that your ingredients are well combined.

3. Rest the dough

Allowing your dough to rest before rolling it out will make it much easier to work with. Cover it with a damp towel and let it sit for at least 10 minutes before rolling it out into tortillas.

4. Use shortening instead of oil

Using shortening instead of oil will give your tortillas a softer texture and help them remain flexible even when cold.

5. Don’t overwork the dough

Overworking your dough can lead to tough and less flavorful tortillas. Knead only until you’ve achieved a smooth consistency, then stop.

6. Roll them thin

Roll out your tortillas as thin as possible without tearing or breaking them for tender tortillas that fold easily without cracking.

7. Cook on a hot, lightly greased skillet

A hot skillet and using just enough oil or cooking spray ensures that your gluten-free flour tortillas cook evenly and quickly without sticking to the pan.

8. Keep cooked tortillas warm while finishing any remaining dough

As you finish cooking each batch of tortillas, wrap them up in a clean kitchen towel or place them in an oven set on low heat to keep them warm while you cook any remaining dough.

By following these tips, you’ll be sure to make soft, flexible, and delicious gluten-free flour tortillas every time. Enjoy!


Now that you have all the information and details on how to make delicious and healthy gluten-free flour tortillas let’s go through some of the most frequently asked questions about this recipe in order to clear up any lingering doubts or concerns. Here are some possible FAQ’s:

How do you make gluten-free tortillas not fall apart?

When using gluten-free flour to make tortillas, it’s important to keep in mind that it tends to soak up more moisture compared to regular wheat flour. To ensure that the tortillas remain soft and flexible, it’s crucial to use a significant amount of water in the recipe. Including oil is also helpful in keeping the gluten-free tortillas soft and pliable even after a day or two of preparation.

What is a GF tortilla?

When choosing tortillas, it’s essential to read the label to ensure that it doesn’t contain a wheat and corn blend. Corn tortillas are generally gluten-free, while flour tortillas are made from wheat flour.

What are gluten-free tortillas made of?

Creating delicious gluten-free tortillas from scratch is a breeze! With a handful of basic pantry staples, you can whip up mouth-watering gluten-free tortillas in a snap. All it takes is gluten-free flour, baking powder, salt, water, and vegetable oil. These homemade gluten-free tortillas boast a tender texture and can be easily bent or rolled.

Can gluten-free eat flour tortillas?

If you suffer from celiac disease, wheat allergy or gluten sensitivity, it is recommended that you avoid consuming flour tortillas and any other products that contain gluten. In such cases, opting for 100% corn tortillas would be the best choice, as they are gluten-free.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this recipe for gluten-free flour tortillas is one of my personal favorites, and I’m sure it will soon become one of yours too! With just a few simple ingredients, you can create soft and flexible tortillas that are perfect for wraps, tacos, or even to enjoy just on their own.

Not only is this recipe gluten-free, but it’s also dairy-free and vegan-friendly. Plus, it allows you to use a variety of different gluten-free flours and substitutions to personalize the flavor to your liking.

So why not give it a try? The process is simple, and the results are delicious. Trust me; once you’ve tasted these homemade gluten-free flour tortillas, you’ll never go back to the store-bought versions again!

Gluten Free Flour Tortillas (Using A/P Gf Flour)

Gluten Free Flour Tortillas (Using A/P Gf Flour) Recipe

From Naomi at the Better Batter Gluten Free flour website. I haven't tried it yet, but am really looking forward to it! Prep time is approximate.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 1 min
Course Side Dish
Cuisine Mexican
Servings 8 tortillas
Calories 114.3 kcal


  • 3 cups gluten-free flour (Better Batter brand recommended)
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 4 -6 tablespoons shortening
  • 1 1/2 cups warm water (may need more or less)


  • Mix all ingredients in a small bowl until well combined.
  • Divide into eight pieces. Roll each piece into a little ball and dust with more flour.
  • Heat up a skillet or iron to 350 degrees.
  • Working quickly, roll each ball out into a circle, about 6-8 inches wide.
  • Fry for about 15-30 seconds, flip and cook for about 10 seconds more.
  • Use immediately.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 52gCalories: 114.3kcalCarbohydrates: 0.6gFat: 12.8gSaturated Fat: 3.2gSodium: 764.7mg
Keyword < 15 Mins, Breads, Easy, Free Of...
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