Gluten-Free Homemade All-Purpose Flour Recipe

Greetings, fellow food enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the world of gluten-free all-purpose flour recipe. I understand that many people have to avoid gluten due to health concerns, but that shouldn’t mean abstaining from indulging in delicious baked goods. It’s time to revolutionize the concept of traditional all-purpose flour, and that is what we’ll be doing together today.

This recipe is designed to provide you with an easy-to-follow process for making your gluten-free all-purpose flour mix. The ingredients used are affordable and readily available in most grocery stores, so you can make it at home anytime. This blend consists of brown rice flour, white rice flour, potato starch, and tapioca starch combined with xanthan gum. The mixture promises quality results in any gluten-free recipe calling for all-purpose flour.

With this recipe on your hand, baking homemade gluten-free bread or pastries will never be an intimidating task anymore. You can now indulge freely in your favorite carb meals without experiencing any digestive discomforts. So shake off those lingering doubts and let’s dive into making our very own gluten-free all-purpose flour blend that will take your baking game to the next level!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Gluten Free All Purpose Flour
Gluten Free All Purpose Flour

Are you tired of scanning through the supermarket shelves, looking for gluten-free all-purpose flour blend that suits your dietary needs? Look no further! This gluten-free all-purpose flour recipe will knock your socks off.

Firstly, it’s easy to make and requires only eight ingredients that are easily accessible in your local stores. You don’t have to worry about spending a fortune on specialty gluten-free flour blends or frustrating over the quality of store-bought brands. By making this recipe, you have full control over the ingredients and their quantity.

Furthermore, this gluten-free all-purpose flour mix is versatile and can be used in any recipe that calls for regular all-purpose flour. Want to make a cake, bread, or pizza crust without compromising on texture and taste? No problem! Substitute this homemade gluten-free flour mix for regular wheat flour and voila! You’ll be amazed at how good your baked treats turn out.

Not only is this recipe gluten-free, but it’s also free from dairy products. You can enjoy your baked treats without experiencing any symptoms of lactose intolerance or allergies.

Lastly, by making homemade gluten-free flour, you know exactly what goes into it. This recipe includes brown rice flour, white rice flour, tapioca starch/flour, potato starch/flour, and xanthan gum. These ingredients are wholesome and packed with nutrients such as fiber and vitamins that are good for your body.

In summary, you’re going to love this gluten-free all-purpose flour blend recipe because it’s easy to make, versatile, dairy-free, healthy and offers an excellent solution to commercially produced gluten-free flours. Shake-shake away with confidence- grab these ingredients off the shelf today!

Ingredient List

 Say goodbye to gluten and hello to a homemade gluten-free all-purpose flour!
Say goodbye to gluten and hello to a homemade gluten-free all-purpose flour!

Now let’s talk about the key ingredients that make our gluten-free all-purpose flour recipe possible.

Flour blend ingredients:

  • 2 cups brown rice flour
  • 2/3 cup potato starch
  • 1/3 cup tapioca flour/starch
  • 1 teaspoon xanthan gum

Using brown rice flour instead of white rice gives a more combined texture, and using a blend of different types of non-wheat flours helps to achieve similar results to regular wheat flour when it is substituted in a recipe. Potato starch helps add structure and binding to the flour blend, while tapioca flour helps tenderize the baked goods with moisture. The xanthan gum helps to create a “gluten-like” texture, making it perfect for gluten-free cooking.

So, let’s get started with mixing our ingredients up!

The Recipe How-To

 This gluten-free flour will revolutionize your baking!
This gluten-free flour will revolutionize your baking!

Step 1: The Flour Blend

To make the perfect gluten-free all-purpose flour blend, you need rice flour, potato starch, and tapioca flour. Mix 2 cups of brown rice flour, 2/3 cup of potato starch, and 1/3 cup of tapioca flour into a large mixing bowl. Whisk the ingredients together until they are thoroughly combined.

Step 2: Add Xanthan Gum

Adding xanthan gum to your gluten-free all-purpose flour blend helps to bind the mixture together like wheat flour. Add 1 teaspoon of xanthan gum into the bowl with the flour blend mixture. Then whisk all ingredients together.

Step 3: Mix and Store

Using a whisk or fork, mix the flour blend very well again, ensuring that it’s “well-blended” until there are no lumps in the mixture. You’re now ready to store your gluten-free all-purpose flour blend. Store it in an airtight container or a sealable plastic bag for up to three months.

Step 4: Using Your Gluten-Free All-Purpose Flour Blend

For each recipe that you make, use gluten-free all-purpose flour blend – this is typically used in place of regular wheat flour in everything from cakes and cookies to pizza doughs and bread recipes. Be sure to spoon your gluten-free all-purpose flour into your measuring cups lightly then level off with a straight edge.

Substitutions and Variations

 Whip up some delicious gluten-free treats with this amazing flour!
Whip up some delicious gluten-free treats with this amazing flour!

One of the beauties of this gluten-free all-purpose flour recipe is its versatility. You can easily adjust the blend to suit your taste and dietary requirements. Here are some substitutions and variations you can try:

– Flour Mix: If you can’t find one of the flours in this recipe, you can substitute it with another gluten-free flour. For instance, sorghum flour, almond flour, or chickpea flour can replace rice flour. Arrowroot flour or cornstarch can substitute tapioca flour. Corn flour or arrowroot starch can replace potato starch.

– Xanthan Gum: Xanthan gum gives the all-purpose flour a structure similar to that of wheat gluten. However, if you’re allergic to xanthan gum or can’t find it in stores, you can use guar gum instead. Alternatively, you can omit it altogether but be prepared for slightly crumbly baked goods.

– Bean Flour: You can add bean flours like garbanzo bean (chickpea) or fava bean for extra protein and fiber in your blend. They also have a nutty flavor that’s great for bread.

– Whole-Grain Flour: If you prefer a healthier blend, you can use whole-grain flours like quinoa, amaranth, millet, or buckwheat. These are rich in nutrients and fiber and will give your baked goods a distinct flavor.

– Self-Raising Flour: If you need self-raising gluten-free flour for a recipe, add 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon salt per cup of the gluten-free all-purpose flour blend.

Overall, this versatile gluten-free all-purpose flour recipe allows you to make endless combinations that suit your needs and preferences. Don’t be afraid to experiment and shake shake things up!

Serving and Pairing

 Gluten-free baking doesn't have to be difficult – make your own flour with ease!
Gluten-free baking doesn’t have to be difficult – make your own flour with ease!

Enjoy your gluten-free all-purpose flour blend in a variety of recipes! This versatile flour mix can replace regular wheat flour in almost any dish, from bread and cake to pizza crusts and cookies. Use it to make classic recipes like pancakes, muffins, and pie crusts or experiment with new ones like gluten-free pasta or tortillas.

Pair this all-purpose gluten-free flour blend with your favorite ingredients for a delicious meal. It’s perfect for savory dishes like chicken parmesan or for sweet delights such as brownies or fruit crumbles. Add almond flour to the mix if you want to give the recipe an added nutty flavor.

For breakfast, try using this flour mixture to make fluffy pancakes, waffles, or delicious crepes. Serve them topped with fresh fruit, whipped cream, or any of your favorite toppings. This will give you the energy you need to start your day on the right foot!

If you’re in the mood for lunch or dinner recipes, try making homemade pasta or pizza with this flour mix! For pasta dishes, simply mix it up with eggs and water until you get a dough-like consistency, then roll it out and cut it into your desired shapes. Use it as the base for a delicious pizza by loading it up with tomato sauce, veggies, cheese, and meats.

For dessert lovers out there, this gluten-free all-purpose flour blend can be used to make crumbly shortbread cookies, chocolate cake or even light fluffy sponge cakes. You can add additional almond flour for that extra nuttiness . Of course one cannot resist gluten free waffles for breakfast accompagnied by some cinnamon honey butter on top.

In summary, this gluten-free all-purpose flour blend is a great substitute that can be used in many classic dishes that call for regular wheat flour. Enjoy it in a variety of different ways and pair it with your favorite ingredients to create flavorful dishes bursting with taste and nutrition!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 No more sacrificing taste and texture when going gluten-free, this flour has got you covered!
No more sacrificing taste and texture when going gluten-free, this flour has got you covered!

Congratulations, you’ve successfully made your own gluten-free all-purpose flour blend! Now that you have your flour on hand, you may be wondering about how to store it and what dishes you can create. Here are some helpful tips:

Make-ahead: A great way to save time in the kitchen is to make a big batch of your gluten-free all-purpose flour blend and store it in an airtight container. It will keep for up to three months in the pantry, but for longer shelf life, store it in the fridge or freezer.

Storing: Proper storage is key to maintaining the freshness of your gluten-free all-purpose flour blend. We recommend storing it in an airtight container, such as a mason jar or plastic container with a tight-fitting lid. Keep it away from heat and light to avoid spoilage.

Reheating: If you need to reheat food made with your gluten-free all-purpose flour blend, we suggest doing so on low heat for best results. Remember, gluten-free flours tend to dry out quickly, so be sure not to overheat or they may become brick-like.

Now that you know how to properly store and reheat your gluten-free item, why not try making some delicious recipes? With this versatile flour blend, there are endless possibilities: from fluffy pancakes and chewy cookies to homemade breads and even pastries!

Tips for Perfect Results

 Swap out wheat flour for this gluten-free alternative and see the difference for yourself!
Swap out wheat flour for this gluten-free alternative and see the difference for yourself!

Making the perfect gluten-free all-purpose flour mix requires a little bit of finesse, but with the right ingredients and preparation, anyone can do it. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your gluten-free flour blend:

1. Use Xanthan Gum as a Binder

Xanthan gum acts as a binder in gluten-free baking, helping to create structure and elasticity where gluten would otherwise be missing. Use about 1/4 teaspoon per cup of flour for best results.

2. Be Diligent in Measuring

Accurate measuring is crucial when making any gluten-free flour blend. Use measuring cups and spoons that are specifically designed for dry ingredients, and make sure you level off each cup or spoonful with a knife.

3. Try Different Flour Combinations

Experiment with different flour combinations to find the blend that works best for you. Some popular options include rice flour, tapioca starch, potato starch, and almond flour. You may also want to try bean flours or sorghum flour for added nutrition and flavor.

4. Store in an Airtight Container

Keep your gluten-free all-purpose flour mix in an airtight container to prevent moisture from getting in and affecting the texture of your baked goods.

5. Don’t Overmix Your Batter

When making batter with your gluten-free all-purpose flour mix, don’t overmix it as this can cause the final product to be tough and dry.

6. Add More Liquid When Necessary

Gluten-free flours tend to be more absorbent than regular wheat flour, so if your batter seems too thick or dry add small amounts of liquid until it reaches the desired consistency.

7. Experiment with Substitutions

If you’re looking to replace regular wheat flour in traditional recipes, try substituting 1:1 with your gluten-free all-purpose flour mix. You can also experiment with other gluten-free flours such as almond or coconut flour for added texture and flavor.

By following these tips, you’ll be sure to achieve perfect results with your gluten-free all-purpose flour mix every time. Happy baking!


As you begin to experiment with this gluten-free all-purpose flour recipe, you might have questions about the ingredients and the steps involved. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) that people usually encounter when trying a new recipe like this. Don’t worry; my answers will give you everything you need to know to bake confidently using this fantastic and easy gluten-free flour blend.

How do I substitute gluten-free flour for all-purpose flour?

When wanting to use gluten-free flour as a substitute for all-purpose flour, it is important to check the packaging to confirm the recommended ratio. In general, a one to one swap is sufficient. However, it is essential to use an all-in-one gluten-free blend that contains stabilizers like xantham gum to retain the structure that is absent without gluten.

How is gluten free all purpose flour made?

The Gluten Free All Purpose Flour blend comprises Sorghum, Tapioca, Garbanzo Bean, Potato, and Fava Bean Flours. It is devoid of Xanthan Gum, which is necessary to provide the ideal texture by binding the batter or dough in most recipes.

Can I use gluten-free flour with all-purpose flour?

When it comes to substituting all-purpose flour for a gluten-free flour mix, most such products in the market have a 1:1 ratio. This means if your recipe demands 2 cups of all-purpose flour, you can go ahead and use 2 cups of the gluten-free flour mix instead.

What is the trick to baking with gluten-free flour?

If you’re looking to avoid gluten in your baking, there are a few options available to you. You can use alternative thickening agents such as xanthan gum or guar gum. To ensure the desired consistency, it is suggested to add at least 1 teaspoon of a gluten substitute for every cup of gluten-free flour mix used. These substitutes are derived from the cell coat of a microorganism called Xanthomonas campestris.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, creating your own homemade gluten-free all-purpose flour is a great way to ensure that you are consuming healthy and safe ingredients. By using this recipe, you can make sure that your baking and cooking will be gluten-free and delicious while also catering to dietary restrictions such as dairy-free and organic.

With the perfect blend of brown rice flour, white rice flour, tapioca flour, potato starch, and xanthan gum, this recipe is bound to be a hit in your kitchen. Plus, you can easily substitute or vary the ingredients to create something unique and suited to your preferences.

Remember to store your homemade gluten-free all-purpose flour in an airtight container in a cool and dark place for optimal longevity. Utilize it in recipes for pancakes, breads, muffins or any other baked goods without worrying about how gluten affects you!

I promise you won’t be disappointed with the results. So why not shake up your routine and start making your own gluten-free all-purpose flour today? Trust me when I say that this recipe will truly change the way you taste delicious foods!

Gluten Free All Purpose Flour

Gluten Free All Purpose Flour Recipe

A good all purpose mix.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 0 mins
Servings 14 cups flour
Calories 493.6 kcal


  • 6 cups rice flour
  • 6 cups brown rice flour
  • 2 cups tapioca flour
  • 2 tablespoons xanthan gum


  • Mix ingredients well.
  • Store in tightly covered container or in the freezer.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 1896gCalories: 493.6kcalCarbohydrates: 106gProtein: 8.9gFat: 2.8gSaturated Fat: 0.6gSodium: 5.4mgFiber: 4.7gSugar: 0.7g
Keyword < 15 Mins, Easy, Free Of...
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