Delicious Gluten-Free Pumpkin Muffins: Easy Recipe

It’s that time of the year when the leaves turn yellow and orange, the air is crisp, and everyone has pumpkin on their mind. But for those who have dietary restrictions, pumpkin season can sometimes feel like a missed opportunity. That’s why I’m excited to share my Gluten-Free Pumpkin Muffins Recipe with you today!

These muffins are not only gluten-free but also dairy-free and incredibly delicious. They’re made with pumpkin puree, canola oil, raisins, sultanas, cinnamon, and nutmeg that will give your kitchen a warm and inviting scent. Trust me; your friends and family will go crazy over them!

Many people seem to think that gluten-free recipes are tasteless or complicated to make, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. This recipe is easy to follow and requires minimal ingredients without compromising the taste or texture of the muffins.

So whether you’re making them for breakfast or an afternoon treat, these gluten-free pumpkin muffins are guaranteed to satisfy your cravings for something moist, flavorful, and healthy. Let’s dive into the recipe to learn how to make them!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Gluten Free Pumpkin Muffins
Gluten Free Pumpkin Muffins

Are you tired of boring and tasteless gluten-free treats? Do you struggle to find a recipe that is both healthy and delicious? Look no further! I present to you my heavenly Gluten-Free Pumpkin Muffins recipe – a sensational blend of pumpkin, sultanas, cinnamon, and nutmeg, that will leave your taste buds dancing with joy.

Why should you love this recipe? First and foremost, it is gluten-free, which makes it perfect for everyone who has dietary restrictions or simply wants to enjoy a healthier snack. You won’t even notice that this muffin lacks gluten because every bite is hearty and moist. Secondly, the combination of pumpkin puree, sultanas, cinnamon, and nutmeg creates an irresistible flavor profile that is reminiscent of autumnal delights. Finally, this recipe calls for dairy-free and vegan options, so everyone can indulge without feeling guilty.

Making these Gluten-Free Pumpkin Muffins could not be more straightforward. The ingredients list includes items that are readily available at any grocery store. The use of Bob’s Red Mill gluten-free flour blend ensures that the final product maintains the perfect texture while supporting a healthy lifestyle. Adding Xanthan gum further facilitates baking without gluten.

Don’t hesitate to add this to your muffin repertoire! It’s the perfect muffin to grace your morning coffee or tea cup – or as an afternoon snack when those hunger pangs hit. Try your hand at baking these delights today and witness how eating healthy can also be flavorful!

Ingredient List

“Get ready to fall for these gluten-free pumpkin muffins!”

Before heading off to the grocery store, it’s important to know what ingredients you’ll need to make these gluten-free pumpkin muffins. Here is a list of everything you’ll need:

Dry Ingredients:
– 2 cups gluten-free flour blend
– 1 tsp xanthan gum
– 1 tsp baking soda
– 1 1/2 tsp gluten-free baking powder
– 1 tsp cinnamon
– 1/2 tsp nutmeg
– 3/4 tsp sea salt
– Optional Add-Ins: sultanas or raisins

Wet Ingredients:
– 1 cup pumpkin puree (canned or fresh)
– 3/4 cup granulated sugar
– 1/2 cup brown sugar
– 2 large eggs
– 1/2 cup canola oil
– 2 tbsp milk (non-dairy milk can also be used)

Gluten-Free Flour Blend:
To make the gluten-free flour blend, mix together the following ingredients:
– 4 cups Bob’s Red Mill 1-to-1 Gluten-Free Flour Blend
– 1 tsp xanthan gum

Note: If you don’t have access to Bob’s Red Mill or can’t find a similar product in your local store, you can also make your own using a blend of almond flour, oat flour and coconut flour.

By gathering all the necessary ingredients before starting the recipe, you’ll save time and avoid any possible mishaps while baking.

The Recipe How-To

“Pumpkin spice and everything nice!”

Now that you have the ingredients, let’s put them together and make some delicious gluten-free pumpkin muffins.

Step 1: Preheat the oven and prepare the muffin tin

Start by preheating your oven to 375°F (190°C) and laying out your muffin tin. Then, spray or line your muffin tin with baking cups so that muffins don’t stick to the tray.

Step 2: Combine ingredients

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together 2 cups of gluten-free flour blend, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of gluten-free baking powder, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, ½ teaspoon of ground nutmeg, ½ teaspoon of xanthan gum, and ¼ teaspoon of sea salt.

Step 3: Add wet ingredients

The following ingredients will make up the wet mixture: In a separate bowl, whisk together ¾ cup of granulated sugar, 1 cup of canned pumpkin puree, and ½ cup of canola oil. Then, add in three large eggs and stir until well combined.

Step 4: Mix wet and dry mixtures

Pour this mixture into your dry ingredients mixture and stir until fully combined. Now would be a good time to fold in some sultanas, raisins, or any other dried fruit options that you like!.

Step 5: Fill the muffin cups

Grab a spoon or an ice-cream scoop to fill each muffin cup with batter. Fill them up about two-thirds full. Doing so will give enough space for the muffins to grow as they bake.

Step 6: Bake in the oven

Place your muffin tin in the preheated oven and bake for approximately twenty minutes. You will know they’re done when an inserted toothpick comes out clean. Let the muffins cool for ten minutes before removing them from the tray.

Step 7: Serve and Enjoy

Your gluten-free pumpkin muffins are now ready to be enjoyed! This recipe should make approximately twelve muffins.

Substitutions and Variations

“Healthy and delicious muffins for breakfast on the go”

When it comes to substitutions and variations, the possibilities for these delicious gluten-free pumpkin muffins are endless! Here are some suggestions to help you make this recipe your own:

1. Flour: You can use any gluten-free flour blend that you prefer for this recipe. If you don’t have a ready-made blend, you can make your own by mixing together almond flour, coconut flour, and oat flour in equal parts.

2. Milk: Any dairy-free milk will work in this recipe, such as almond, soy, or coconut milk.

3. Sweeteners: You can use any granulated sugar you prefer. Coconut sugar or brown sugar work well as a substitute for granulated sugar. If you’re looking for a healthier option or want to cut back on sugar, add mashed banana or apple sauce.

4. Oil: Canola oil can be substituted with coconut oil or melted butter, ghee or even sunflower oil.

5. Eggs: You can replace the eggs in this recipe with flax egg for vegan pumpkin chocolate chip muffins instead of regular eggs.

6. Additions: You can mix in sultanas or raisins into the batter for an extra sweetness level. Chocolate chips or chopped nuts like pecans & walnuts are another great addition to this recipe.

7. Spices: Nutmeg and cinnamon give you the taste of pumpkin spice without overdoing it that could result in an overpowering flavor. Feel free to experiment with other flavors if you need to try something different than traditional pumpkin spice.

Whatever substitutions or variations you choose to make, remember that baking is all about experimenting – so don’t be afraid to get creative with this gluten-free pumpkin muffin recipe!

Serving and Pairing

“One bite of these muffins and you’ll be in pumpkin heaven!”


Now that you’ve baked these scrumptious gluten-free pumpkin muffins, it’s time to serve them and find the perfect pairing. These muffins can be enjoyed at any time of day- whether it’s breakfast, a midday snack, or even dessert.

For breakfast, I like to spread some coconut oil on top of my pumpkin muffins and pair them with a hot cup of coffee or tea. The spiced aroma from the muffins blended with the warm beverage is a match made in heaven. If you’re feeling adventurous, try adding a dollop of nut butter on top for added protein and flavor.

For dessert, these pumpkin muffins pair well with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream for an indulgent treat. Adding some chopped nuts or dark chocolate chips on top can elevate this simple pairing into something even more delicious.

If you’re looking for a healthier option, try serving these pumpkin muffins alongside fresh fruit such as berries or sliced bananas. The natural sweetness from the fruit will complement the sweet yet spicy flavor of the muffins.

No matter how you decide to serve them, these gluten-free pumpkin muffins are sure to be a crowd-pleaser. So feel free to experiment with different toppings and pairings to find your own perfect combination!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

“Perfectly moist and fluffy pumpkin muffins – gluten-free and dairy-free”

Congratulations, you’ve just made the most delicious gluten-free pumpkin muffins ever! Now, what do you do with them? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

Make-Ahead: These muffins are perfect for making ahead of time. To do so, simply bake as instructed, let them cool to room temperature, and store in an airtight container on the counter or in the refrigerator. You can make them up to three days in advance for ultimate freshness.

Storing: If you’re planning on storing your gluten-free pumpkin muffins for a longer period, it’s best to freeze them. To freeze your muffins, let them cool completely after baking and place them in a freezer-safe container or bag. They can be stored in the freezer for up to three months.

Reheating: If you’re planning on eating your frozen muffins, it’s best to let them defrost at room temperature first. Once they are fully defrosted, you can reheat them in the oven or microwave.

To reheat muffins in the oven, preheat it to 300°F and place your muffins on a baking sheet. Bake for 8-10 minutes until they are warmed through.

To reheat muffins in the microwave, simply place one muffin on a microwave-safe plate and heat it for 15-20 seconds until it’s warm but not hot.

Now that you know how to store and reheat these delicious gluten-free pumpkin muffins, make sure you always have some on hand for a quick and easy breakfast or snack. Enjoy!

Tips for Perfect Results

“The scent of pumpkin and cinnamon is in the air with these muffins”

When it comes to baking, small details can have a big effect on the final outcome. Here are some tips to ensure that your gluten-free pumpkin muffins turn out perfectly.

1. Don’t Overmix the Batter

Overmixing the batter can lead to tough, dense muffins. To avoid this, mix the batter until just combined. It’s okay if there are a few lumps in the batter; these will disappear during baking.

2. Use Room Temperature Ingredients

Using room temperature ingredients helps the ingredients blend together more evenly and leads to better texture in the final product. Take your eggs and milk out of the fridge about an hour before you plan to start baking.

3. Add Sultanas or Raisins

If you’re looking for an extra burst of flavor, add sultanas or raisins to the batter. These will add a natural sweetness and texture that complements the pumpkin flavor well.

4. Measure Accurately

When it comes to baking, measuring ingredients accurately is key. Use a kitchen scale or measuring cups and spoons to make sure you get accurate measurements of your ingredients.

5. Grease the Muffin Tin or Use Muffin Liners

To prevent your muffins from sticking, grease your muffin tin with a spray oil or butter, or use muffin liners.

6. Adjust Baking Times as Needed

Every oven is different, so don’t be afraid to adjust the baking time if needed. Check on your muffins periodically and pull them out of the oven when they are golden brown on top and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

7. Let Them Cool Completely Before Storing

Allow your muffins to cool completely before storing them in an airtight container or plastic bag. This will help prevent excess moisture from building up and keep them fresh for longer.

By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to make the perfect gluten-free pumpkin muffins every time.

Bottom Line

So, there you have it! A delicious and healthy recipe for gluten-free pumpkin muffins. By following the instructions in this article, you can whip up a batch of these muffins that are perfect for any time of day. They are easy to make and packed with flavor. Not only are they gluten-free, dairy-free, and organic, but they are also incredibly nutritious.

So next time you’re in the mood for a sweet treat, why not give these muffins a try? They’ll satisfy your cravings while keeping you on track with your health goals. And don’t forget to share this recipe with your friends and family so that they too can enjoy these tasty treats. Here’s to happy baking!

Gluten Free Pumpkin Muffins

Gluten Free Pumpkin Muffins Recipe

This recipe is another one I adapted from my childhood. This latest gluten free incantation is simple, tasty, and thanks to the beloved pumpkin – really moist. If you are making this recipe in the United States – use unsweetened canned pumpkin. These quick, easy muffins can be prepared in less than 10 minutes and are totally scrumptious!
No ratings yet
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 20 mins
Course Dessert
Cuisine Gluten-free
Calories 278.1 kcal


  • 1 cup brown rice flour
  • 1 cup white rice flour
  • 1 1/2-2 tablespoons gluten free baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon xanthan gum
  • 1/2 teaspoon fine celtic sea salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup agave nectar
  • 1 cup sultanas or 1 cup raisins
  • 1 organic egg
  • 1/4 cup cold pressed canola oil
  • 1/2-1 cup of plain mashed pumpkin
  • 1/2 cup organic almond milk or 1/2 cup soy milk


  • Sift flours, baking powder, baking soda, xanthan, salt and spices in a bowl and stir together mixing evenly.
  • Break an egg into the mixer and gradually add in the oil, milk, and then the pumpkin, until mixed through.
  • Add in the dry ingredients and mix until a thick batter forms.
  • Fold in the raisins and spoon into well greased muffin pots.
  • Bake in a moderate oven – about 170C/325 F for approximately 20 minutes.
  • Serve warm, with butter and honey, eat cold as a snack, or enjoy with a warm bowl of soup or zesty salad.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 81gCalories: 278.1kcalCarbohydrates: 47.9gProtein: 4.2gFat: 8.4gSaturated Fat: 0.9gCholesterol: 26.4mgSodium: 236.9mgFiber: 2.3gSugar: 12.6g
Keyword < 30 Mins, Breads, Free Of..., Halloween, Pumpkin, Quick Breads, Thanksgiving, Vegetable
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